Because HTML is often the people’s first experience with coding, there can be a fair amount of apprehension about learning it. Thankfully, HTML syntax is relatively simple and easy to learn. Most people can learn the basics of HTML and begin coding it within the same day.

A markup language

HTML is a markup language. That means that content on the page is “marked up” by tags which identify the content inside of them. A paragraph, for example, can be identified by placing the “<p>” opening tag prior to the paragraphs content and the “</p>” closing tag at the end of a paragraph. The full paragraph would look like this:

<p>This is a paragraph.</p>

Tags consist of a left-angle bracket (<) followed by a character or characters that identify the tag (the “p” for paragraph) and a closing right-angle bracket (>). The closing tags for an element are exactly the same as an opening tag, except that a forward slash (/) will precede the tags characters.
Although most elements require an opening and a closing tag, the closing tag is optional for some elements and not required at all for others. While there are exceptions to the rule, for the most part any element that contains content inside the opening and closing tags also requires a closing tag.

Basic document structure

The core of all HTML documents revolves around three basic tags. First, an html tag (<html>) is required to identify the document as an HTML file. Directly inside the html tag, you’ll find the head element (<head>). The head of a document is where you’ll find the document’s metadata, the document title, and links to external resources such as style sheets and scripts. A good way to think about the document’s head is that it doesn’t contain any of the page’s visual content rather it contains information about the document and the resources that help make the page work. Directly after the document’s head, you’ll find its body (<body>). The body is where you’ll find all of the page’s actual content. Headings, paragraphs, images, lists, tables, and other content will be located here. At its most basic, an HTML file would look like this:



If you’ve looked at HTML pages before, you’ve probably noticed a long, somewhat intimidating tag just before the opening HTML tag. This is a doctype declaration and it’s a very important but often misunderstood component of HTML pages. Essentially, it tells the user agent parsing your page which version of HTML (or XHTML) to expect, so that it knows which syntax rules to use when rendering your page. The doctype you use should be based on the version of HTML you’re using to author the page. While that all sounds good in theory, in reality most of the time a doctype is simply triggering “standards-mode” rather than “quirks mode” (based on older browsers non-standard way of rendering pages). For that reason alone, all HTML documents should be preceded by a doctype declaration. For more information on doctypes, and the history behind them, check out Mark Pilgrim’s excellent section on doctypes from his Dive Into HTML5 book. Here are some of the more common HTML doctypes: